Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy Statement


1.  Our Pledge



Among the most important assets of Noah Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited is the trust and confidence placed to properly handle information. The Privacy Policy Statement is provided to you pursuant to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong (the PDPO) in connection with your provision of personal data or information (“Data) to Noah Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited (“Noah HK”, together with Noah Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries, ““Noah Group”) from time to time when you download, install or use this APP and the services provided hereunder.



Noah HK pledges to safeguard your personal data by complying with the requirements of the PDPO as well as the relevant codes of practice and guidance notes issued by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data of Hong Kong. We will ensure that all our employees and third parties with permitted access to your personal data uphold these obligations.



2.  Collection of Personal Data



(a) From time to time, it is necessary for you to supply Noah HK with Data in connection with matters including, but not limited to, the opening or continuation of the account, the provision of services to you and compliance with applicable laws.


(b) The kinds of Data that may be collected includes, but is not limited to, your name, gender, address, occupation, contact details, date and place of birth, nationality, identity card or passport details, financial status, tax information, educational and marital status, employment information, biometric credential(s) (including without limitation fingerprint(s), facial map(s) or any other biometric Data as approved by Noah HK from time to time), and technical information about your mobile device (including but not limited to hardware device model、device identification code (such as IMEI / android ID), unique device identifier, and operation logs related to the APP service), operation system and application software, IP address or location.

(c)  被收集的資訊種類包括但不限於閣下名稱、性別、位址、職業、聯繫方式、出生日期和地區、國籍、身份證或護照資訊、財務情況、稅務資訊、教育和婚姻狀況、雇傭資訊、生物識別憑據(包括但不限於指紋、面貌特徵或其他由諾亞香港不時認可的生物特徵)及定期收集的閣下流動裝置的技術資料(包括但不限於,硬體設備型號、設備識別碼(如IMEI/android ID)、唯一設備識別字、與APP服務相關的操作日誌)、運作系統及程式軟體、網路位址及位置。

(d) Failure to supply such Data may result in Noah HK being unable to open an account or continue to provide services to you or unable to comply with any laws or regulations or guidelines and codes issued by regulatory or other authorities.


(e) It is also the case that Data is collected from you in the ordinary course of the continuation of your relationship with Noah HK, for example, when you open an account, transfer funds, effect transactions, attend seminar/events, participate in online activities or generally communicate verbally or in writing with Noah HK.


(f) Noah HK may also collect additional Data from the APP, the Data includes but not limited to:


(i)  The IP address of the user’s personal computer, the country from which the inquiry is made, the web pages visited, the time spent and type of internet browser.


(ii)  Certain Data of the user (e.g. name, age, gender and occupation etc), contact details, client identification information, electronically encrypted security passcode, for that client and information regarding holdings in funds offered or distributed by Noah HK, whether the user elects to receive the information and the types of the information.


(g)  Apart from the security passcode (if any), Data collected at the APP is not electronically encrypted.



3.  Use of “Cookie”

“Cookies” 的使用


"Cookies" are small text files stored automatically in your browser and is accessible by Noah HK through this website. Cookies can make the website more useful by storing information about user preferences on particular websites, thus enabling better online service experience. “Cookies” allows Noah HK to identify your computer and find out details about your last visit.

“Cookies” 乃自動記存于閣下電腦流覽器的小型文字檔,諾亞香港可透過本應用程式存取“Cookies”,讓本應用程式知道哪些網頁較受歡迎,以便為用戶營造更理想的線上體驗。諾亞香港亦可透過“Cookies”識別閣下的電腦,並找出有關閣下上次來訪本應用程式的資料。

(a) Cookies helps Noah HK recognize you as a unique visitor when you return to this website, allowing Noah HK to tailor your online experience.

“Cookies” 協助諾亞香港將閣下識別為特定的訪客,在閣下重返本應用程式時,容許諾亞香港為閣下制定度身訂造的網上體驗。

(b) Cookies enable Noah HK to measure and understand how visitors use the APP, driving improvement.


(c) Noah HK might store information entered in tools, such as calculators or demonstrations on the APP. This information may need to be temporarily stored to deliver these types of services efficiently and is not used for any other means.



Noah HK cannot directly access information stored on your hard drive, nor identify your personal identity through data collected from “cookies”. If you are not willing to accept "cookies", you can change the settings of the APPto disable "cookies". If you choose not to allow “cookies”, the quality of your browsing experience may be reduced.

諾亞香港不能直接取得閣下儲存于流動裝置的資料,或透過“cookies”所收集的資訊識別閣下的個人身分。倘閣下不願意接受“cookies”, 可更改本應用程式的設定而使“cookies”失效。若閣下選擇不允許使用“cookies”,可能會影響閣下的流覽體驗。


4.  Restricted disclosure



Noah HK will not disclose the information provided to any third party except with your consent or as permitted or required by law.



5.  Security of the information



Noah HK only allows authorized persons to access the information provided to ensure that such information will not be used for unauthorized purposes or altered or deleted accidentally. Noah HK also adopts encryption technology to protect the transmission of your sensitive Data.



6.  Data retention period



Noah HK will keep records of all online transactions for verification and auditing purposes. Such information will be destroyed when they are no longer required by Noah HK.




Personal Information Collection Statement



Among the most important assets of Noah Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited is the trust and confidence placed to properly handle information. The Privacy Policy Statement is provided to you pursuant to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong (the “PDPO”) in connection with your provision of personal data or information (“Data”) to Noah Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited (“Noah HK”, together with Noah Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries, “Noah Group”) from time to time when you download, install or use this APP and the services provided hereunder.

諾亞控股(香港)有限公司其中一項最重要的資產,就是客戶對我們能妥善處理資料而給予的信任及信賴。《個人資料收集聲明》 乃根據香港個人資料(私隱)條例(「條例」)而就閣下因下載、安裝或使用本應用程式及其提供的服務向諾亞控股(香港)有限公司(「諾亞香港」,與諾亞控股有限公司及其附屬公司,統稱「諾亞集團」)不時提供個人資料或資訊(「資料」)而提供予閣下。

This statement provides you with notice as to why your personal data is collected, how it is intended to be used, to whom your personal data may be provided to and how to access, review and amend your personal data.

本聲明旨在向閣下闡釋收集閣下個人資料的原因、資料的擬定用途、可能獲提供閣下 資料的有關方,以及有關查閱、檢視及更正閣下個人資料的方法。


1.  Collection of Personal Data



For the purpose of complying with law, regulation and regulatory provision, or  to provide you with various products and services, or in order to contact or communicate with you, and develop our relationship with you, we may receive and keep the personal information provided by yourself , or, according to law, regulation, regulatory provision, your authorization or consent to collect, enquire, and verify your personal information from/with members of the Noah Group or other third parties (including but not limited to credit reference agencies, information service providers, relevant authorities, employers, counterparties, contact persons and other entities/individuals). 



The personal information Noah HK so collect may be in paper, electronic or any other forms.



When you visit, browse, use our APP a visitor - Noah HK may collect information about the browser or device you use (such as IP address, operating system, and browser version), your browsing actions and patterns. We use cookies and other similar technologies to collect above information. You may disable cookies by changing your settings.

當閣下以訪客的身份訪問、流覽、使用本應用程式 - 諾亞香港會自動收集有關閣下的流動裝置(或電腦)設備資訊(包括IP位址、作業系統和流覽器版本)、流覽行為和模式的資訊。我們通過使用Cookies和其他類似技術來收集前述資訊,閣下可以選擇變更設置禁用Cookies。


When you are our prospect or existing individual client - in order for Noah HK to provide you with relevant products/services, we may collect the following information upon your consent or authorization:

當閣下申請或已經成為諾亞香港的客戶 – 諾亞香港將根據閣下的授權或同意,為向閣下提供相關產品/服務,可能會向閣下收集下述個人資訊:


(a)  Personal identity information - including but not limited to the name, gender, nationality, citizenship, registered residence (Hu Kou), ethnic, type/number/validity period of ID certificate, occupation, education, diploma, working experience, telephone number, e-mail, contact information, age, birth date, place of birth, marital status, family status, place of residence, work address, photo, social security information, personal virtual identity and authentication information, any relationship with politically exposed person and relevant information.

個人身份資訊 - 包括但不限於個人姓名、性別、國籍、公民身份、戶口、民族、身份證件種類、號碼及有效期限、職業、教育背景、學歷、工作經歷、電話號碼、電子郵箱、聯繫方式、年齡、出生日期、出生地、婚姻狀況、家庭狀況、住址、工作單位位址、照片、社會保險資訊,個人虛擬身份標識和鑒別資訊以及是否與政要或國際組織高級管理人員有關及相關資訊。

(b)  Personal property information - including but not limited to the personal income, real property, movable property (e.g. vehicle, financial assets, etc.), indebtedness, investment, tax-paid amount, tax residence, taxpayer identification number, amount paid for the provident fund.

個人財產資訊 - 包括但不限於個人收入狀況、擁有的不動產狀況、擁有的動產(如車輛、金融資產等)狀況、負債狀況、投資情況、納稅額、稅務居民身份、納稅人識別號、公積金繳存金額。

(c)  Personal biometrics information - including but not limited to the signature, handwriting, portrait, fingerprint, voice, face recognition information.

個人生物特徵資訊 -包括但不限於簽字、筆跡、肖像、指紋、聲音、人臉識別資訊。

(d)  Personal account information - including but not limited to the account number, time of account opening, account balance, account transaction information.

個人帳戶資訊 - 包括但不限於帳號、帳戶開立時間、帳戶餘額、帳戶交易情況等。

(e)  Transaction or risk preference - including but not limited to risk appetite, investment intention, investment goal, knowledge and experience.

個人交易或風險偏好 - 包括但不限於風險承受能力,投資意願、目標、知識和經驗。

(f)  Technical information stored in mobile device - including but not limited to hardware device model、device identification code (such as IMEI / android ID), unique device identifier, and operation logs related to the APP Service), operation system and application software, IP address or location, that is gathered periodically to facilitate the provision of software updates, product support, and other services (if any) related to, or in connection with, the APP Service.

個人流動裝置的技術資料 - 包括但不限於硬體設備型號、設備識別碼(如IMEI/android ID)、唯一設備識別字、與本應用程式相關的操作日誌、運作系統及程式軟體、網路位址及位置,以便提供涉及或與本應用程式有關的軟體更新,產品支援和提供其他服務(如有)。

When using the APP service by mobile device - Noah HK may collect (i) phone storage  (ii) location data, (iii) microphone, (iv) camera, (vi) calendar and (vii) biometric authentication module. If you do not allow Noah HK to use the information in the above manner, you may at any time change the setting of the mobile devices or uninstall the APP. In such event, you may only be able to partially use or may not be able to use the APP.

當閣下使用流動裝置獲取本應用程式服務 - 諾亞香港將收集(i)手機存儲許可權、(ii)位置資料、(iii)麥克風、(iv)相機、(vi)曰曆; 及(vii)生物認證模組。若閣下不欲諾亞香港透過前述方式使用資料,閣下可隨時更改流動裝置的設定。在此情況下,閣下將不能享用本應用程式的全部服務或只能享用部分的服務。


Apart from the above, the Data may also be collected from you in the ordinary course of your relationship with Noah HK including, but not limited to, when you download, install or use this APP and the services provided hereunder, use the website, cookies and online services of Noah HK, open and maintain the account, transfer funds, give instructions, effect transactions, attend seminars and events, participate in online activities, or communicate verbally or in writing with Noah HK.



2.  Protection of Personal Data



Noah HK takes all reasonably practicable means to protect the Data, such as, by restricting the access of Data by authorized personnel only and incorporating security measures into equipment in which Data is held. Encryption technology is employed for sensitive data transmission. If Noah HK engages data processors to handle or process personal data on the Noah HK’s behalf (whether within or outside Hong Kong), Noah HK would adopt contractual or other means to prevent any unauthorised or accidental access, processing erasure, loss or use of the transferred data by the data processors.



The records of your Data will be stored in secured places with restricted access. The authorized personnel of Noah HK or its affiliates (who have been trained in personal data handling and protection) will only access and process the Data on a "need-to-know" basis.



3.  Authorisation of Disclosure by Noah HK 諾亞香港的授權披露


You hereby authorise Noah HK to supply to its affiliates with all Data relating to you or your account with Noah HK. Failure to supply such Data may result in Noah HK being unable to open an account or continue to provide services to you or unable to comply with any laws or regulations or guidelines and codes issued by regulatory or other authorities.



4.  Use of Personal 個人資料的使用


4.1  Users of personal 個人資料的使用者


You confirm for yourself that all personal data concerning you may be used by any of the following companies or persons: Noah HK and its affiliates, any director, officer or employee of Noah HK and its affiliates, only in the course of business; or any person(such as lawyers, advisers etc.) authorised by the forgoing, only in the course of business.



4.2  Purpose of use 使用目的


Your Data may be used are as follows:



a)  processing applications for account opening and/or other financial services and facilities;


b)  daily operation of the account and/or other financial services and facilities provided to you and relating to any transactions you may undertake;


c) marketing services, products and other subjects (please see further details in paragraph 5 below);


d) complying with any law, regulation, guideline, court order or order of a regulatory body;


e) complying with any obligations, requirements, policies, procedures, measures or arrangements for sharing data and information within Noah Group and/or any other use of data and information in accordance with any group-wide programmes for compliance with sanctions or prevention or detection of money laundering, terrorist financing or other unlawful activities;


f) exchanging information with Noah HK and any financial institution and entities with whom the Noah HK provides affinity;


g)  compiling statistical information and client profiles;


h)  new or existing client verification procedures and ongoing account administration;


i)  updating, comparing and/or verifying any and all of your Data that may be held by any member of Noah Group or agents of Noah Group; or

更新、比較和/或驗證由諾亞集團公司或代理商可能持有的任何或所有有關閣下的資料; 或

j) any other purposes relating to or in connection with the business or dealings of Noah HK and its affiliates and purposes relating thereto.



4.3  Provision of information to other users向其他用户提供信息


Data held by Noah HK relating to you will be kept confidential but Noah HK may provide and disclose such information to the following parties (whether within or outside Hong Kong) for the purposes set out in paragraph 4.2 above:



a) any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative, telecommunications, electronic fund transfer service, computer, payment, debt collection or other services to Noah HK in connection with the operation of its business;


b) any branch, subsidiary, holding company, associated company or affiliate of Noah HK;


c)  any other person under a duty of confidentiality to Noah HK including any member of Noah Group which has undertaken to keep such information confidential;


d)  any person to whom Noah HK or any member of Noah Group is under an obligation or otherwise required to ake disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on or applying to Noah HK or any member of Noah Group, or any disclosure under and for the purposes of any guidelines or guidance given or issued by any legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations of financial services providers with which Noah HK or any member of Noah Group is expected to comply, or any disclosure pursuant to any contractual or other commitment of Noah HK or any member of Noah Group with local or foreign legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations of financial services providers, all of which may be within or outside Hong Kong and may be existing currently and in the future;

諾亞香港或其任何諾亞集團公司根據對諾亞香港或其任何諾亞集團公司具法律約束力或適用的任何法律規定,或根據及為符合任何法律、監管、政府、稅務、執法或其他機關,或金融服務供應商的自律監管或行業組織或協會作出或發出的並期望諾亞香港或其任何諾亞集團公司遵守的任何指引或指導,或根據諾亞香港或其任何諾亞集團公司向本地或外地的法律、監管、政府、稅務、執法或其他機關,或金融服務供應商的自律監管或行業組織或協會的任何合約或其他承諾 (以上不論於香港特別行政區境內或境外及不論目前或將來存在的);

e) third party financial institutions, insurers, credit card companies, securities and investment service providers;


f) third party reward, loyalty, co-branding and privileges programme providers;


g)  co-branding partners of Noah HK and any member of Noah Group (the names of such co-branding partners can be found in the Application Form(s) for the relevant services and products, as the case may be); or

諾亞香港及任何諾亞集團公司的聯營夥伴(該等聯營夥伴的名稱及產品載於申請表中,視乎情況而定); 或

h) external service providers (including but not limited to mailing houses, telecommunication companies, telemarketing and direct sales agents, call centres, gift redemption centres, data processing companies and information technology companies) that Noah HK engages for the purposes set out in paragraph 4.2.

諾亞香港為 4.2段所列出的任何用途而聘用的外聘服務供應商(包括但不限於代客寄件中心、電訊公司、電話推廣及直銷公司、通訊中心、資料處理公司及資訊科技公司)。


Such information may be transferred to a place outside Hong Kong.



5.  Direct Marketing Consents 在直接促銷中使用資料


Noah HK intends to use your Data in direct marketing and Noah HK requires your consent (which includes an indication of no objection) for that purpose. In this connection, please note that:



a)  your name, contact details, products and services portfolio information, transaction pattern and behaviour, financial background and demographic data  held by Noah HK from time to time may be used by Noah HK or any member of Noah Group in direct marketing.


b) the following classes of services, products and subjects may be marketed:


(i) financial, insurance, credit and related services and products;


(ii) reward, loyalty, co-branding or privileges programmes and related services and products; or

獎賞、客戶或會員或優惠計畫及相關服務及產品; 或

(iii) services and products offered by Noah HK’s co-branding partners (the names of such co-branding partners can be found in the application form(s) for the relevant services and products, as the case may be).

諾亞香港機構合作品牌夥伴提供之服務及產品(該等合作品牌夥伴名稱會于有關服務及產品的申請表格上列明,視乎情況) )。

c) the above services, products and subjects may be provided or (in the case of donations and contributions) solicited by Noah HK and/or:


(i) third party financial institutions, insurers, securities and investment service providers;


(ii) third party reward, loyalty, co-branding or privileges programme providers; or

協力廠商獎賞、客戶或會員、合作品牌或優惠計畫供應商; 或

(iii)  co-branding partners of Noah HK and/or any member of Noah Group (the names of such co-branding partners can be found in the Application Form(s) for the relevant services and products, as the case may be).


d) In addition to marketing the above services, products and subjects itself, Noah HK also intends to provide the Data described in paragraph 5b) above to all or any of the persons described in paragraph 5c) above for use by them in marketing those services, products and subjects, and Noah HK requires your written consent (which includes an indication of no objection) for that purpose.


e) Noah HK may receive money or other property in return for providing the Data to the other persons in paragraph 5d) above and, when requesting your consent or no objection as described in paragraph 5d) above, Noah HK will inform you if it will receive any money or other property in return for providing the Data to the other persons.



If you do not wish Noah HK, to use or provide to other persons your Data for use in direct marketing as described above, you may exercise your opt-out right by notifying Noah HK.



6.  Rights of Access and Correction 訪問和更正的權利


The Data collected may be maintained for such period of time required under applicable laws and as otherwise needed to fulfil the purposes set out in paragraph 4 above. Data held by Noah HK relating to you will be kept confidential and Noah HK will take all reasonable measures to ensure that Data is kept secured against unauthorized access, loss, disclosure and destruction. Noah HK may provide the Data to the following persons, whether inside or outside of Hong Kong, for the purposes set out in paragraph 4 above and you consent to any such use or transfer:


a) the ultimate holding company of Noah HK, its subsidiaries, representative offices, associated companies and affiliates;


b)  the service providers and agents of Noah HK;


c) any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative, research, design, launch, digital or telecommunications, clearing and settlement or other services to Noah HK in connection with its business;


d) the employees, officers and directors of each of Noah HK and all the persons set out in a) above;

諾亞香港及上述a) 列明各人士各自的雇員、工作人員及董事;

e)  any relevant Issuer, its delegate or holding company;


f) any person (including, but not limited to, any governmental or regulatory authority or court of competent jurisdiction) entitled thereto by applicable laws or in response to a regulatory request;


g)  any person to whom the business of Noah HK may be sold; or

諾亞香港可能向其出售業務的任何人士; 或

h) external service providers of Noah HK (including, but not limited to, printing houses, mailing houses, digital or telecommunication companies, data processing companies, storage companies, and information technology companies) that Noah HK engages for the purposes of direct marketing.



Under the PDPO, you have the right to:



a) check whether Noah HK holds Data about you and access such Data;


b) require Noah HK to correct any Data relating to you which is inaccurate; and

要求諾亞香港更正不正確的閣下資訊; 及

c) ascertain Noah HK's policies and practices in relation to Data and to be informed of the kinds of Data held by Noah HK; and


d) object to the use of your Data for direct marketing purposes. Following the receipt of such objection, Noah HK shall not use your Data for direct marketing purposes. In accordance with the PDPO, Noah HK has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request.



7.  Closing Client Account



For the Noah HK client who would like to cancel his/her APP membership, the client may contact the Noah HK customer hotline (+852-3700 1997)or the relationship manager to arrange accordingly. No asset, no pending transfer and no fund held in account (which means no cash held in client’s Noah Nominee account) are the conditions for closing client account.

若已經登記成為諾亞香港的客戶計畫登出其在本應用程式的會員帳戶,則可以通過致電諾亞香港客服電話(+852-3700 1997)或聯繫其理財師要求辦理。諾亞香港的客戶登出本應用程式會員帳戶的前提條件是:無存續產品、無在途交易、無現金餘額(即在諾亞託管帳戶無餘額)。


8.  Contact Person 連絡人

The person to whom requests for access to data or correction of data or for information regarding policies and practices and kinds of data held are to be addressed is as follows:-

任何關於資料查閱或改正資料,或關於資料政策及實際應用或資料種類的要求,請聯絡 :-


Compliance Department

Noah Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited

34/F, Tower Two, Times Square, 1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong





9.  Applicability 適用

This statement applies to all transactions entered into by you with or through Noah HK, whether before or after the date of this statement.
